Frequently asked questions
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Click the scenario that best describes your situation to find the answers to questions that are frequently asked by organizations.
I want to apply for a micro-grant
Who can submit an application for a micro-grant?
Every artistic or cultural non-profit organization incorporated under federal, provincial or territorial law is eligible for the ImmersART program. Individuals, including professional artists, are not eligible, but they can consider partnering with an eligible program applicant.
How long does it take to complete a micro-grant application?
The application takes about 15 minutes, as long as you have gathered all required information in advance. Make sure you have contacted one or more schools in advance and agreed on the nature and timing of your activity.
I want to submit an application. Where do I start?
It is important to start by making contact with the school or schools you want to work with. To find the names of schools in your region, please see our online directory. The directory provides the name of the person to contact for each school targeted by the program.
When you have talked with the school and agreed on the activity to offer, you must get the following information from each school:
- Exact name of the school
- Name and contact information of the person who confirmed your involvement
- Location of the activity
- Date of the activity
- Expected number of participants
- Target grades
Under what circumstances am I eligible for a distance premium?
Your organization will automatically receive a $500 distance premium if you collaborate with a school…
- In Newfoundland and Labrador or Prince Edward Island
- More than 200 km away from the following cities:
British Columbia
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Grand Sudbury
Quebec City
If you collaborate with schools in Yukon, Northwest Territories or Nunavut, you will receive an enhanced distance premium of $1,500, for a total micro-grant of $3,000 per school.
I want to arrange a tour or multiple activities.
Can a single activity take place over multiple dates?
The activity can take place over several days. For example, you could offer four one-hour workshops over a period of one month that form a single activity. Please note that each school can only take part in one activity each year.
Can I apply for one or more activities in several schools?
Yes. In your application form, check the appropriate application type: “Touring activity application” or “Assembly activity application.” Please note that each school is only entitled to one subsidized activity per school year.
Can I apply for a micro-grant for a tour that covers more than one province or territory?
No. Each application must target schools in a single province or territory.
Can I submit an application for the same activity year after year?
Yes, you can apply for the same activity in the same school or in different schools. With each application, you must confirm the partnership with the targeted school(s). Our online application platform allows you to easily copy the information from one application to another. Please note, however, that each school is only entitled to one subsidized activity per year.
I have completed my application.
When will I find out whether my application was accepted?
An education partner is appointed in each school board, commission, district or division. It is this education partner, not the FCCF, that will approve your application. Within ten business days, you will receive a confirmation email when your designated education partner has accepted your application.
When will I receive my micro-grant?
Expect a maximum wait time of ten business days after the approval of your application by your designated education partner. You will receive an email notifying you of the pending deposit of the micro-grant, which will be deposited directly into the organization’s bank account.
How will I receive my micro-grant?
You will receive an electronic funds transfer, directly into your organization’s bank account. No cheques are issued. The FCCF has chosen this payment method to comply with the ten business-day limit between approval of the application and receipt of the micro-grant.
I have completed my activity. What are my obligations?
I have received the micro-grant. What are my responsibilities?
You must carry out the activity as described in your application. Then, within three days following the subsidized activity, your organization must post a photo or video on social media networks with the hashtag #ImmersART. You will receive a reminder email about this before you hold the activity. Finally, after your activity, we will send you a short survey to complete.
How can we fulfil our obligation to post photos if our organization does not have a social media account?
Post one or more photos of the subsidized activities on your organization’s website and send a link to
How can I add the ImmersART logo to my organization’s promotional tools?
The ImmersART logo is available online. Please do not modify it, and make sure it is clearly legible. Download the ImmersART logo here.
I am having trouble logging into the platform.
I forgot my username or password.
Click the “Forgot username” or “Forgot password” link on the homepage (soon). You will receive an email with instructions to guide you. If you do not receive an email or if you still have trouble logging in, please write to us at
I am trying to create a user account, but the system says that my organization already has one.
Each applicant organization can only have one account for the online platform. The FCCF uses your incorporation number to identify your organization. If you no longer have access to this account, write to us at to reactivate your organization’s user account.